Free Membership with PedsPal
Our membership is free: Our vendor partners pay us administrative fees to encourage member loyalty. These fees do not increase your product cost, rather, they are borne by the vendors as a sales cost. We share these fees with our most loyal members. Our members save more because we offer the highest savings, so the sooner you join, the sooner you save.
Become a member
If you're eager to save money on supplies from top companies and increase your vaccine reimbursement, submit our membership request form and we'll contact you to help walk you through the process.
Membership request for information
If you'd like to download the forms directly to your computer and email/fax back to us, follow these steps:
1.) Download the appropriate form:
Primary Care Doctor Program Specialty Doctor Program
2.) Complete the form
- Check the boxes of the programs where you want to receive PedsPal discounts.
- Provide your participant information.
- Complete all information that our unique suppliers have requested in their sections of the form.
- Print the form and sign where noted.
3.) Submit the form
- After your form has been completed, please fax these pages to PedsPal at 1-682-885-5860.
How long does it take to get PedsPal pricing?
Once the vendors inform us that you are linked to our contracted pricing, we will send an email notifying you that you can start ordering.
Approximate time for each vendor to link pricing:
- Sanofi and Merck - 2 weeks
- Henry Schein and MedAssets - 2 weeks
- Office Depot - 48 hours
Need help enrolling?
Can't locate a certain vaccine? Have a question not answered elsewhere? When you call, you'll get answers and you'll never be lost in a maze of phone prompts or voicemail.